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in their midst中文是什么意思

用"in their midst"造句"in their midst"怎么读"in their midst" in a sentence


  • 在他们当中


  • And let them make a sanctuary for me that i may dwell in their midst
  • While they were telling these things , he himself stood in their midst
    路24 : 36正说这话的时候、那稣亲自站在他们当中、说、愿你们平安。
  • For where there are two or three gathered into my name , there am i in their midst
  • There is nothing more to wait on , to look forward to ; the kingdom and salvation is in their midst
  • No doubt the disciples were confused when the lord took a child and set him in their midst
  • And as they were speaking these things , he himself stood in their midst and said to them , peace to you
  • Mt . 18 : 20 for where there are two or three gathered into my name , there am i in their midst
  • " so when it comes to pass as surely it will then they will know that a prophet has been in their midst .
    结33 : 33看哪、所说的快要应验应验了、他们就知道在他们中间有了先知。
  • Lk . 24 : 36 and as they were speaking these things , he himself stood in their midst and said to them , peace to you
  • You push through the annoying crowds of people , trying to keep your less - agressive friend from being lost in their midsts
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
用"in their midst"造句  


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